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About The Artist

Ashley Marie’s story is one of remarkable courage. She has undertaken an emotional journey out of the darkness and into the light, overcoming diverse obstacles, some internal, and others thrust into her path. It is one of brave self-realization, resisting the pressure and expectation of others, while holding fast to her childhood dream of music. That she is willing to openly share that story with the world, along with her music, is part of what makes her so brave, and ultimately, inspiring.


“Being born in a Haitian family, the expectation was for me to go to school, have a degree to be a doctor, a lawyer, or a nurse, and then get a job. There was no room for music. I’m going against the grain by trying to form a career in music.”


Overcoming the darkest period of her life, music would become her key to salvation, as she discovered her true life purpose. Once too shy to sing in public, Ashley found herself pouring her deep pain and frustration into poetic, personal songs like “Emotions”.


Yet for her inspiring triumph over depression, there are other real-life struggles she faces as a newly single mom working to support her family, while continuing to write and record her music. But she is building this new career with a definite purpose, hoping her efforts will inspire her children to achieve their own dreams in life, to not be dragged down by the expectation of others. She wants to be a positive role model for her children, her family, as well as her people back in Haiti.


You can read the full story here on Pilot Light Records site.

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